Bluesun Rewards loyalty program

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Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
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Welcome to our loyalty program! Joining Bluesun Rewards unlocks access to member-only benefits, and membership is completely free. Register HERE.
Best rate guaranteed
Exclusive deals
Discounts in restaurants and bars
Discounts in wellness centers
Possibility of a higher-category room
Additional discount on accommodation
The more nights you spend in our Hotels, the higher you climb up the membership levels and the more benefits are available to you. There are four levels of membership in Bluesun Rewards:
All newly registered members. Additional discount of 5% on all accommodation.
All members who spend a minimum of 10 nights. Additional discount of 5% on all accommodation. A welcome drink upon arrival at the Hotel and a welcome to your room. Free change to a higher category room, subject to availability.
All members who spend a minimum of 20 nights. Additional discount of 5% on all accommodation. A welcome drink upon arrival at the Hotel and a welcome to your room. Free change to a higher category room, subject to availability. A 10% discount in Bluesun a la carte restaurants. A 10% discount on Bluesun wellness and spa.
All members who spend a minimum of 40 nights. Additional discount of 5% on all accommodation. A welcome drink upon arrival at the Hotel and a welcome to your room. Free change to a higher category room, subject to availability. A 10% discount in Bluesun a la carte restaurants and bars. A 10% discount on Bluesun wellness and spa. Free mini bar (with contents found in the accommodation unit, top-up is paid according to the valid price list). Early check-in, late check-out, subject to availability.
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