Fun under the sun

Discover the most exciting beach club in Brela. Charming and inviting Mediterranean retreat, it is perfect for enjoying quality time with family and friends. Evoking a sense of complete relaxation, it is seamlessly transitioning from serene daytime socializing to vibrant nighttime festivities. Catering to those seeking elegance by the sea, Maestral Beach Club offers a luxurious escape.

Indulge in an exceptional drink selection

Maestral features an excellent selection of alcoholic beverages, including fine wines and expertly crafted cocktails. Sip on a refreshing Gin and Tonic or indulge in a bold Long Island Iced Tea, a classic Negroni, or a perfectly balanced Whiskey Sour. With attentive service and top-notch amenities, you can truly relax and rejuvenate in style.

Savor the flavors of Mediterranean cuisine

At Maestral Beach Club, savoring the food is an experience to remember. Delight in the indulgent Burger Royale that elevates the classic burger. Enjoy the delicate flavors of the tuna prosciutto that highlights the freshness of the sea. To end your meal on a high note, treat yourself to the unique cheesecake that perfectly balances creamy texture with rich, decadent flavors.

Maestral zones Maestral zones

Reserve your seaside spot

You can unwind in the comfort of shaded cabanas, perfect for escaping the midday sun while enjoying a refreshing beverage. The sun loungers, ideally positioned along the pristine shoreline, provide an excellent spot for soaking in the seaside views.

Ottakaa yhteyttä saadaksenne teille räätälöidyn tarjouksen

Missä vietätte lomanne?

Bol, Bračin saari

Brela, Makarska Riviera

Tučepi, Makarska Riviera


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