Travelife for Hotels and Accommodation is a certification scheme that helps hotels manage and monitor their social and environmental impacts and pass on their achievements in the form of certificates to their guests. If hotels meet the requirements based on European and international standards and if they successfully pass the sustainability audit, they achieve Travelife Gold certification. Read all about the policies and rules for achieving the certificate itself below.

Sustainability policy

Environmental protection is a global problem and, therefore, it requires global solutions. It is not possible to protect the environment by hampering economic development, instead, we should focus on achieving sustainable development.

Therefore, in order to support sustainable development, we strive to introduce socially responsible behavior towards the community, as well as towards the ecological balance in order to provide quality to our guests. The relationship between economic systems and those of an ecological character must be in balance. One of the significant contributions to sustainable development is the integration of the environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001 into the management system. Such a system primarily requires:
- protection of natural resources,
- introduction and application of new technologies,
- giving up activities that could jeopardize the implementation of sustainable development

Environmental protection in a hotel is possible only with the joint effort of all employees within the organized system. We strive to promote environmental awareness among our employees through education and training. Recycling is one part of the vision that seeks to create an opportunity for each employee and guest to collect all types of useful waste separately at the place of origin. To this end, the sorting of waste such as cardboard, glass, plastic packaging, batteries and degradable waste is carried out as a sustainable system for separate collection of useful waste in our hotels.
When ordering products, we also choose products in larger packages, thus reducing the amount of waste that is produced during use. Among other things, efforts are being made to reduce CO2 emissions and the consumption of resources such as electrical energy, water and heating energy sources with the aim of more rational use of resources, where ultimately our priority is renewable sources compared to limited sources.

Protection of life, health, privacy and dignity of workers

The employer must apply the legislation governing occupational health and safety and continually work on improving occupational health and safety. The employer undertakes to ensure the protection of the health and safety of workers in all forms related to work, and in particular: procure and maintain facilities, devices, equipment, tools, place of work and access to the place of work, organize work in a way that ensures the protection of life and health of workers, in accordance with special laws and other regulations and with the nature of work performed, and apply measures for the protection of health and safety of workers, prevent occupational hazards, inform workers about occupational hazards and educate them on safe working practices, and implement other prescribed occupational safety measures. The employer must ensure appropriate occupational health and safety training for each worker, especially in the form of information and instructions relating to the worker's job and tasks, as follows: when hiring a worker, if the worker is transferred to another job, if new work equipment is introduced or the existing one replaced, and if new technology is introduced. The training is performed during working hours and at the expense of the employer.

If the employer has undertaken the obligation to accommodate and feed the workers, in fulfilling this obligation the employer must take into account the protection of life, health, morality and the religion of the workers. Each worker is responsible for his/her own safety and health, as well as the safety and health of other workers affected by their actions at work. When implementing occupational and environmental protection, the worker is especially obliged to:
- accept training and knowledge testing in order to perform work in a safe manner, adhere to the prescribed and recognized occupational safety measures and instructions by the manufacturer of work equipment, and agree to any verifications related to the protection of health and safety at work,
- work with due care and in a manner that does not endanger their own and other workers' life or health or the safety of equipment and devices,
- use safety devices and maintain them in good condition, use and maintain in good condition any personal protective equipment entrusted for use and handling,
- warn the immediate supervisor of any failures or deficiencies in devices, personal and protective equipment, as well as any irregular occurrences at work or actions of other persons that may damage or destroy certain equipment or endanger the life and health of workers,
- take health and psychophysical tests performed in accordance with the job,
- when establishing an employment relationship and in the course of work, inform the employer and the competent physician about any physical disabilities or diseases that, when performing certain tasks, might cause consequences for the worker's life and health or his/her environment,
- warn the co-workers assigned for performing work about the dangers associated with performing their work and the regulations that need to be adhered to when performing this work in order to prevent injuries,
- master the knowledge of occupational health and safety to the extent necessary for performing work in a safe manner,
- undergo tests for detecting alcohol, other substances or the existence of an illness,
- comply with the provisions on smoking bans, and all regulations and measures to prevent fires.

Training for work in a safe manner and fire prevention training implies an organized programme activity through which workers acquire knowledge, skills and habits for work in a safe manner, in accordance with the Training programme for safe working, occupational health and safety and fire prevention. The Management of the Company regulates by special rules the regulation and implementation of protection measures, risk assessment, rights, obligations and responsibilities and all other issues in accordance with the law. A worker working at a job for which the appropriate examination or other compulsory training is required by law shall be referred by the Management of the Company to the appropriate examination or training under this Ordinance or another act of the employer. The employer must insure the workers against the consequences of accidents while performing work.

For the purpose of exercising the rights and obligations arising from employment, employees must submit to the employer all personal data determined by regulations regarding keeping records in the respective field of work, as well as data: for calculation of income tax, surtax, personal deductions, education and certain specialist knowledge, health condition and disability, contractual non-competition with the previous employer, data related to maternity protection, etc. The employer collects and processes data on employees needed in order to keep proper records in the respective field of work:
1. name and surname of the employee
2. OIB (personal identification number)
3. day, month and year of birth
4. place of birth
5. address of residence or habitual residence of the worker (place, municipality and county), and telephone number
6. place of work
7. vocation
8. education, level of education
9. education for performing certain tasks
10. jobs (position) where the worker works
11. worker's working time in hours
12. length of service until employment with this employer
13. whether the contract is concluded for a definite or indefinite period of time
14. whether the worker is a war invalid
15. employment with another employer
16. date of employment
17. date of termination of employment
18. reason for termination of employment.

Data on workers and members of their families are collected and processed in accordance with the law or a special regulation for the purpose of exercising employment rights and rights arising from work, i.e. health, pension and disability insurance rights. Workers must submit the data specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article immediately after any changes occur. By a special decision, the employer shall appoint a person authorized to collect, use and submit data on employees to third parties in accordance with legal regulations.

All significant information, whether business or personal, about operation, the details of the organization, as well as about the business and production program and procedures, obtained and used by employees in the performance of their duties, is considered a business secret. Any breach of the confidentiality of the data referred to in Paragraph 1 of this Article is a breach of work obligations.

The employer must protect the worker from direct or indirect discrimination in the field of work and working conditions, including selection criteria and conditions concerning employment, advancement, professional guidance, professional training and retraining, in accordance with special laws. The employer must protect the dignity of the worker during the performance of work, by ensuring working conditions under which there is no exposure to harassment, which includes taking preventive measures. Harassment or sexual harassment is a breach of employment obligations. An employer who employs at least twenty workers must appoint a person who is, beside the employer, authorized to receive and resolve complaints concerning the protection of the dignity of workers. A worker who considers to be harassed or sexually harassed has the right to lodge a complaint with reference to the protection of the dignity of workers. When the person referred to in Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Ordinance receives a complaint related to the protection of the dignity of workers, they must examine the complaint within 8 days from the date of delivery of the complaint and take all necessary measures appropriate to the case to prevent continued harassment or sexual harassment, if the existence of such is established.
In the procedure of examining and resolving the complaint, the person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall examine the employee who filed the complaint, the person to whom the complaint relates, and if necessary for the complete and true establishment of facts, other persons who may have knowledge of the subject of the complaint or present other evidence. The worker may be questioned in the presence of a plenipotentiary (lawyer, union commissioner, etc.) If the authorized person referred to in Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Ordinance determines that the employee who filed the complaint is harassed or sexually harassed, the person shall inform the Management of the Company about the need to take urgent measures to prevent further harassment of employees.
The person referred to in Paragraph 1 of this Article, depending on the circumstances of the case, proposes to the Management of the Company that:
- the person who harassed the worker be transferred to another job at the employer's premises (worker transfer),
- the person who harassed the employee receive a verbal warning,
- the person who harassed the worker be warned in writing about the possibility of dismissal in case of recurrence of harassment,
- the person who harassed the worker terminate the employment contract.

If the person referred to in Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Ordinance does not take measures to prevent harassment or sexual harassment prescribed in Article 42, Paragraph 2 of the Ordinance and Paragraph 1 of this Article within the period referred to in Article 42, Paragraph 1 of the Ordinance or if the measures taken are manifestly inappropriate, a worker who has been harassed or sexually harassed has the right to suspend work until protection is ensured, provided that he/she requested protection before a competent court within a further 8 days.

If there are circumstances due to which it is not justified to expect that the employer will protect the dignity of the worker, the worker is not obliged to submit a complaint to the person referred to in Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Ordinance and has the right to suspend work, provided that he/she requested protection before the competent court and notified the employer on this within 8 days of the suspension of work. All data and documents collected in the procedure of protection of the worker’s dignity are secret, and their secrecy is the responsibility of the person referred to in Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Ordinance who resolved the respective complaint, and the responsibility of all other persons who participated in the process of resolving the complaint, of which they must be notified in a timely manner.

Policy of cooperation with the local community

TUI BLUE Jadran is committed to cooperating with local communities and in this sense encourages and supports joint services and hotel administrations to be actively involved in various ways, primarily in supporting the local economy, from providing incentives for opening new businesses, assistance in providing support and training for the new workforce. Local authorities also control a number of regulatory mechanisms, such as the issuance of various permits to businesses or assistance in securing them with higher-level authorities. Furthermore, local authorities are a key factor in organizing various local forms of partnerships, developmental coalitions, etc.
Local civil society organizations have often proven to be important factors in the development of local democracy. The participation of citizens and civic organizations in public policy debates, in the provision of public services, as well as their contribution to better management of public goods, is an important contribution to aligning the development policy with the real needs of citizens. Such organizations include professional associations, youth organizations, informal networks, etc. Entrepreneurs are an axis of local economic development. Therefore, their views need to be properly recognized and taken into account. Regardless of whether they are organized in a formal or informal way, entrepreneurs can represent valuable partners in the preparation and implementation of a local development strategy. Support for entrepreneurship development is a key component of encouraging local development.

The goals of cooperation with the local community are achieved in the following ways:
- Employment of local population
- Procurement of products originating from the local market
- Engaging local companies in the renovation, equipping and maintenance of our facilities
- Helping local associations and institutions (sports clubs, schools, museums, nature parks)
- Assistance in organizing events that promote the local community
- Promotion of the most advanced world trends in the field of environmental protection, energy saving, waste disposal, respect for human rights
The implementation of the policy of cooperation with the local community includes the entire organization of the company, all its activities and all employees. The ultimate purpose of quality policy is the constant growth of the company's reputation and its competitiveness in the market.

Quality assurance policy

The quality policy is an integral part of the general business policy of the company, which aims to provide the highest quality service to each hotel guest. The quality policy is based on the following basic principles:
- the company's products and services must be at such a level, so that the quality of the entire offer is the most important reason in acquiring a satisfied guest.
- activities during the provision of services must not create expectations for the guest for which there are no preconditions when offering the entire range that these services cannot satisfy,
- all service quality requirements must be met,
- and we are continuously making sure that we are aligned with the legal regulations in the field of quality protection.

When implementing quality, the following goals should be achieved:
- continuous improvement of the quality of the entire offer and service,
- adapting to customer requirements,
- continuous improvement of the management system,
- reduction of all forms of losses, from energy consumption to material consumption,
- improvement of working conditions and
- protection of employees’ health and environmental protection.
The implementation of the quality policy covers the entire organization of the company, all its activities and all employees. The ultimate purpose of quality policy is the constant growth of the company's reputation and its competitiveness in the market.

Occupational health and safety

In the hotels it manages, WOT Adriatic Asset Company d.o.o. commits itself to the development and application of effective systems, standards and practices for the protection of health and safety at work, in accordance with the risks present in its business aspects. The aim of this policy is to ensure a healthy and safe working environment and reduce the risk for employees, manufacturers, visitors and other parties that may be affected by the company's activities, while at the same time meeting the employee expectations with the quality and safety of service.

The company's obligation to ensure a healthy and safe working environment implies adherence to the following principles:
1) Creating an environment in which health and safety risks are controlled in order to prevent injuries and occupational diseases,
2) Compliance with all legal requirements and regulations and compliance with all applicable international standards by nurturing continuous improvement,
3) Implementation of an effective program for the management of occupational health and safety, which will be a systematic part of current business activities, and which:
- identifies, assesses and controls the risks that are common causes of injuries and occupational diseases, which are an integral part of the work environment,
- ensures that all employees, at all levels within the organization, are familiar with the company's policies and practices in the field of occupational health and safety, and that they are committed to implementing them,
- develops the competencies of employees in the field of occupational health and safety through effective educational programs and appropriate leadership at all levels within the organization,
- investigates the causes of injuries at work and occupational diseases and undertakes activities aimed at their prevention.
The conditions that need to be met in the field of occupational health and safety are harmonized with other areas of business and continuous improvement is ensured.

Procurement policy

Hotel TUI BLUE Jadran is dedicated to providing top service to its guests. In doing so, achieving a high level of satisfaction of our guests is our main goal. The success of this process is closely linked to the quality of goods and services necessary to achieve this goal. As part of the world-famous hotel brand TUI, we are looking for responsible and creative suppliers with the main emphasis on the local climate, the authenticity of the offer and organic production through which we want to present the best that Croatia has to offer. In this supply chain, we have partners from registered small family farms to large Croatian producers. Within our parent company, there are also sister companies that are our main suppliers for organically grown beef from our own farm near Bjelovar, as well as wine and olive oil from the island of Brač.
In the procurement process, we procure 30% of goods from suppliers from the local area of Split-Dalmatia County, while the rest we procure from Croatian suppliers. When purchasing equipment, priority is given to suppliers and products that meet the requirements of energy efficiency class A. Cost-effectiveness, quality, servicing, respecting the agreed deadlines and reliability are our highest priority. We place our trust in all our suppliers and we expect fair and long-term cooperation on a sound basis, and we also expect them to help us recognize where there is potential for cost reduction.

See the Travelife Awards here.

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