Company Name

Sunce hotels d.d. for tourism and hospitality, registration number (MBS): 080502040, personal identification number (PIN): 06916431329. Abbreviated company name is Sunce hotels d.d.

Registered seat and legal form

Sunce hotels d.d. is a joint stock company. The Company's registered seat is in Zagreb, Radnička cesta 43, Republic of Croatia, phone number: + 385 1 3844 288.

Organisational structure

Sunce hotels d.d. is the parent company of Sunce hotels group, founded in 2004. It operates and develops hotels in exceptional tourist destinations in Croatia.

Bluesun Hotels & Resorts

Bluesun Hotels & Resorts is the name under which Sunce hotels manages most of the members of its Group.

Our business

With 13 beachfront hotels on the Adriatic coast and 1 camp site, its own airport on the Island of Brač and other tourism assets located in 4 popular touristic destinations in Croatia, Sunce is one of the leading tourism groups in Croatia. The Company owns all the properties.

Contattateci per un'offerta personalizzata

Dove volete trascorrere le vacanze?

Bol, isola di Brac

Brela, Makarska Riviera

Tučepi, Makarska Riviera


Tutte le destinazioni

Data di arrivo al Bluesun?

Con chi trascorrerete le vacanze al Bluesun?





Con chi trascorrerete le vacanze al Bluesun?


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